As a worldwide authority on work engagement and positive psychology, it is our mission to let you benefit from our knowledge. That is why we offer EnergyCompass.


Work pressure, work stress and employee engagement under pressure

Many organizations are faced with increasing stress and decreasing employee engagement. This has negative consequences for productivity, absenteeism, turnover and quality of work. EnergyCompass pinpoints these concerns and offers suggestions for improvement.


It is about more than just workload

Scientific research shows that the entire psychosocial work environment is important for the health, well-being and work performance of employees. EnergyCompass provides a complete overview and thus offers a a wide range of suggestions for improvement.


EnergyCompass is evidence-based

Unlike many other surveys, EnergyCompass is based on scientific research. All components have been scientifically tested for reliability and validity. .


Completely taken of your hands

You can easily purchase EnergyCompass for yourself or your organization. We offer several additional modules so that EnergyCompass is always up to date, including the latest developments in positive psychology.


Committed and flexible

EnergyCompass provides all necessary insights. Need more? With our consultancy-agency Triple i Human Capital, we are always at your service for more interpretation, training and deepening your insights.


Focus on impact

Our goal is to help organizations increase the mental energy of their people. We provide reliable, clear reports which serve as the basis for dialogue and improvement.


Take control now

Using EnergyCompass is no ‘rocket science’. The process is largely standardized.

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