
  1. Team-up with communication professionals and together prepare a detailed communication plan including goals, messages, communication instruments and target groups.
  2. Invest in confidence: be clear, open and transparent about the purpose and process of the project. If a manager or even a board member tells the story, it comes across even stronger.
  3. Pay attention to how the research model can be practically implemented in your organisation. Central to this theory is that the amount of mental energy results from the balance between job demands and job resources. The aim is to sustainably improve this balance together.
  4. Try to understand why some people are cynical about the whole process. What are their issues and concerns and how can these be addressed by proper communication?
  5. Involve all stakeholders right from the start (management / work council / mental health officers / HR-officers). Not only give them a voice in the process, but also make than responsible for achieving certain targets.
  6. Communicate and don’t just ‘inform’. Make sure to involve employees by communicating personally with them and engage them optimally.
  7. Continue to communicate also after having finalised the survey. Often this is forgotten, but here the difference could be made. Often an organisation will go back to business as usual, forgetting to properly implement the necessary changes. Use the momentum, stay tuned and keep communicating, this is essential.